Part of this problem is that we are using a medium curing epoxy. It takes longer to cure so our projects all seem to get stretched out a bit more than desireable. I ordered a gallon of MAS resin today and decided to try out the fast curing hardener so I ordered a half gallon of it. Were it summer in Louisiana, this would probably not give me enough working time, but it's winter here so it should work good perfect. And one of the coolest things about MAS epoxy (besides it's price and quality) is the fact you can mix hardeners to create your own set time. Pretty cool.
But I digress...
First, as with every project so far, is a stop at Lowe's (or Home Depot if that's yer deal) to buy things I should probably already own, but don't. The main purchase this time were some clamps to hold the aft bulkhead in place while it is being tabbed in.

Next up, we installed the new bulkhead and set it up with clamps to hold it in place and then made sure it was in there even and level. And then we added the foam pieces underneath the bulkhead to avoid creating any hard spots on the hull.

All level and ready to go this weekend! So this Saturday will be spent tabbing in the new aft bulkhead and also installing the bridge step support. Yay! :D
You and Mom are a marvel. Really.
Just found your blog, looks like a great project you have going on. Your works looks excellent! I am not to far down the coast from you, Panama City, Fl.
I wonder if I could suggest adding the Follow gadget to you blog so that people could keep up with your blog easier. I know I would be a follower!
Just a suggestion, keep up the good work and keep updating!
Thanks, Trip.
I added the Follow gadget there for you. Right at the top there. :D
Maybe you'll be my first follower. cool.
Hope to get back on boat work this weekend. Have been unable to work because of the cold and well, life in general.
Will update soon with aft bulkhead installation. :D
Cheers and thanks again!
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